Think about how training will help you maintain your current job or find a new one. For example, acquiring new skills can increase your competitiveness in the job market or open doors to new career opportunities. Ensure you have objective reasons for this decision, such as the profession's demand or the need to improve qualifications.
Find a specific list of potential job opportunities where skills obtained during the course will be in demand. This will not only strengthen your motivation but also show the consultant that you have approached the specialty selection seriously.
Study job vacancies in your chosen profession and pay attention to the skills employers require. This will help you argue the necessity of training as a way to meet these requirements.
Compose a letter to potential employers to find out if you could be a candidate for a vacancy after training. However, phrase the question not directly, but more correctly: "Do you consider candidates with such skills?" or "Would it be possible to have an interview after completing the training?" This will demonstrate your interest in practical application of knowledge and desire to learn about potential employment prospects in advance.
Conducting such research will help you better understand market needs, assess the relevance of the chosen specialty, and understand how knowledge gained during the course can be implemented in practice. This will also demonstrate your readiness for purposeful learning and a serious approach to career development.
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