Programming Courses for Beginners: PHP Developer

  • In Russian
  • Practice from the first day
  • HTML, CSS, SQL and databases, Laravel framework
  • Employment program

Become a highly skilled developer in just 10 months! Create 4 projects for your GitHub portfolio — from a game collection to a task management service

  • Creating backend for websites using PHP
  • Debugging code and fixing errors
  • Developing simple web pages using HTML and CSS
  • Writing web applications with the Laravel framework
  • Working with databases through SQL
  • Integrating websites with internal and external systems
  • Deploying applications to production for real users
  • Managing version control using Git
  • Creating secure and reliable web applications
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Module 2. Professional PHP (1.5 months)

Learn to write production-ready code:

  • Principles of object-oriented and functional programming
  • Creating modular code that is easy to extend and maintain
  • Automated code testing
  • Setting up continuous integration and publishing your first package to npm
  • Final project: Difference Calculator

Webinar Topics

Thematic Blocks

Модуль 2. Профессиональный PHP (1,5 месяца)

Научитесь писать production-ready код:

  • Принципы объектно-ориентированного и функционального программирования
  • Создание модульного кода, который легко расширять и поддерживать
  • Автоматизированное тестирование кода
  • Настройка непрерывной интеграции и публикация первого пакета в npm
  • Итоговый проект: Вычислитель отличий
Webinar Topics
Thematic Blocks
Module 3. Web Development (4 months)

Develop websites using the MVC architecture:

  • Learning the Slim microframework, working with HTTP and web server principles
  • Working with routing and templating engines
  • Creating databases and executing SQL queries from PHP
  • Deploying code to the server
  • Ensuring code security, preventing SQL injections and XSS attacks
  • Final project: Page Analyzer

Webinar Topics

Thematic Blocks

Module 4. Development with Laravel (1.5 months)

Create complex services using Laravel 8:

  • Using ORM to create models and map them to the database
  • Migrations for database evolution
  • Implementing authentication and authorization
  • Running REPL for quick application management and automated tests to improve code quality
  • Final project: Task Manager

Webinar Topics

Thematic Blocks

Link to this page location: #projects

This project will demonstrate what you have learned throughout your time at MYEDU. Your final project will encompass all key aspects of web development and will take between 2 to 4 weeks to complete.

Significant attention will also be paid to creating entities using ORM and describing the relationships between them. By completing this project, you will gain a good understanding of what to expect in the role of PHP developer

You will work on:

  • Designing
  • Normalizing and denormalizing databases
  • Using PaaS
  • Tracking errors in production with Sentry
  • Working with the Laravel framework
Skill Verification

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate that confirms your qualification as a “PHP Developer”

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  • Mastering the basic constructs and functional capabilities of PHP
  • Proficient in working with databases using MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Familiar with web application architecture, key principles, and design patterns
  • Skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX
  • Experienced with frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter
  • Proficient in version control systems, including Git
  • Understand the fundamental principles of web server operation
  • Familiar with tools such as Apache and Nginx
  • Knowledge of built-in security mechanisms in PHP
  • Apply object-oriented programming (OOP) in my projects
  • Organize code into folders and files for ease of work
  • Adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles in coding

What You Will Gain from the Training

  • Permanent access to course materials
  • Project reviews from your mentor
  • 6 months of access to a career community
  • 50+ courses for skill development
  • Assistance with employment
  • 3+ projects for your portfolio and one team project
  • Mock interview and soft skills interview
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course suitable for me if I have never programmed before?  
Will I be able to combine studying with work or other studies?
What if I need to take a break from studying?

Is it too late to start if I'm over 40 or 50?

What support will I receive during my studies?
Will I have real projects in my portfolio?
What skills will I acquire after the course?
How does job preparation work?
What are the employment prospects for PHP developers?
What are Open Source projects and why participate in them?
Do you collaborate with Töötukassa?
How can I enroll in the course?

Still have questions? Contact us on Telegram

Our team will promptly review your inquiry and answer any questions you may have

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Start your IT career today!

Apply for the "PHP Developer" course

  • In Russian
  • 10 months
  • Course fee: €2500

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