Requirements Development Specialist
Learn to formulate precise, clear, and complete requirements for information systems

Who is this course for?
Who want to move from describing business processes to creating technical requirements
Who have to write specifications for developers
Who need a structured approach to requirements analysis
Who want to enhance their qualifications and master requirements development
The Role of Requirements in IT Development
Software requirements are the foundation of any IT project. They define what and how the system should perform, helping stakeholders, developers, and analysts speak the same language
Why are requirements necessary?
- For Businesses: help to clearly define tasks and avoid additional costs for rework
- For Analysts: provide structure and sequence in project work
- For Developers: serve as a guide in creating the system, eliminating ambiguity
- For Testers: allow for verifying that the system meets expectations
- For Clients: provide confidence that the product will meet their expectations and business goals

What you will gain after the course
Thoroughly study the main methods of developing quality requirements
Work on solving practical tasks in a team of 3–4 analysts
Develop a technical requirements document by the end of the course
Access to a closed Telegram group for communication and experience sharing
Continuous access to templates, checklists, and sample documents
Consultation on resume writing and job search
Format and Schedule
Live classes via Zoom + Google Drive and Telegram
32 hours / 3 weeks
6 sessions on weekends or evenings on weekdays
Personal attention to each student
70% of the training is intensive practice
Submit an application and master requirements development in practice!

What You Will Learn
Identify and formulate requirements using 10 techniques
Create functional software models and use case diagrams
Model data, define quality attributes, and set constraints
Write accurate, complete, and clear requirements for the development team
These tools and techniques will help you gather, analyze, and clearly articulate requirements in a format that is used in real development
1. Project Card
A simplified document that collects the main aspects of the design: the current situation, the target situation, and the proposed solution. It allows for quick capture of key requirements and expectations for the project
2. Context Diagram
A visual representation of the environment of the software system, showing user roles, external systems, and the data with which the system interacts. It helps identify system boundaries
3. Use Case Diagram
A graphical representation of user roles and key tasks they perform with the system. It helps understand how users will interact with the system and what outcomes they expect
4. Functional Requirements in Canonical Form
Requirements are formulated using the template: "
5. Use Case Scenarios
A format for describing the functionality of a software system, which includes the scenario name, actors, preconditions, main action flow, and possible extensions. It is used for designing user interactions with the system and can also apply to describing integrations and data processing algorithms
6. Statechart Diagram
A visual representation of the lifecycle of an object in the system, showing allowable states, transitions between them, and the conditions under which these transitions occur. It is useful for data classes with a non-trivial lifecycle
7. Conceptual Data Model
A model describing the data classes that the system will work with and the relationships between them. It provides an overall view of the data structure and serves as a foundation for subsequent detailed design
8. Data Dictionary
A document containing the attribute composition of data classes. The primary format is description through Backus-Naur grammar constructs, allowing for clear formalization of data characteristics
9. Mapping Data Classes to Typical Operations
A method for assessing the completeness of requirements by creating a matrix in which data classes are linked to typical information operations (create, update, view, etc.). This helps understand which functions need to be implemented in the system
10. Formulating Quality Attributes and Constraints
This technique focuses on defining quality attributes and potential constraints of the software using the canonical requirements format. It helps bridge the gap between theoretical quality standards, such as ISO 25000, and practical requirements often overlooked at the design stage
Course Program and Schedule
Requirements Development and Functional Design
- 41 academic hours
- 6 online sessions on weekends or evenings on weekdays
Course Instructors – Practicing Specialists
Denis Beskov
Course author, expert in system analysis
Analyst with experience in international companies
Analyst with 20 years of experience in logistics, retail banking, ERP
Lead analyst, mentor, speaker at international conferences
Expert in architecture and product management, IT solutions developer
Expert in the development of complex systems and business processes
Reviews about the Training
Requirements Development
The presentation of the material, careful checking of homework, guidance in the right direction. Everything is to the point without unnecessary fluff — this is especially valuable!!!
May, 2024
Requirements Development
In the training, I liked the distribution of theory, teamwork, and self-study, as well as the opportunity to discuss questions with the trainer. Self-study allowed me to reinforce the material, and the trainer's explanations helped to correct mistakes and consolidate the action algorithm.
September, 2024
Requirements Development
I liked the attitude and presentation of the material by the instructor, excellent sense of humor, many examples from the instructor's practice. The ability to view recordings, availability of all study materials, and most importantly — independent work. Without practice, it is difficult to understand what is what, and this course provides that opportunity! Many thanks! For me — a specialist without experience in this field — the material was mastered as clearly as possible.
December, 2023
Requirements Development
Excellent practice of teamwork. All skills are practiced on examples of real projects chosen by the teams themselves. Feedback from the instructors. A comfortable learning atmosphere.
May, 2024
Requirements Development
Great instructor, good course structure that clearly outlines the sequence of actions, and organization of the course — folders, templates, up-to-date list of artifacts for working with requirements.
April, 2024
Requirements Development
I liked that the classes were not just in a lecture format, but also supplemented with practice, analyzing each task almost individually. The instructors also reviewed each mistake and provided real project cases as examples. Moreover, some topics that are not part of the course but are related were also discussed!
March, 2024
Submit your application and become a Requirements Development Specialist

List of Additional Literature
- Requirements Gathering and Analysis for Software Products, Yuri Khimonin
An introductory article on requirements development for software - Principles of Working with Software Requirements, Dean Leffingwell, Widrig
A good overview of the process and key practices for handling requirements - Software Requirements, Karl Wiegers
A comprehensive description of the approach to developing software concepts, user requirements, and software requirements - Modern Methods for Describing Functional Requirements for Systems (Writing Effective Use Cases), Alistair Coburn
An excellent manual on developing functional requirements in the form of "use cases"

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