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  • Online course

    QA Engineer automation

    Online Intensive

    Master automation and get a diploma in just 4 months!

    Save time and effort

    Automation will allow you to speed up testing and streamline routine checks

    Be out of competition

    Specialists with knowledge of technologies and tools are more valuable from the employers' perspective

    Earn more

    Qualified labor is paid more, so automation engineers' salaries are higher than manual testers'

    What you will learn
    Master tools and technologies:
    Acquire knowledge, hone skills and be able to:
    Who the course is suitable for

    For beginner testers

    Who want to acquire new skills and upgrade their qualification

    For experienced testers

    Who want to transition from manual testing to automation

    For self-taught enthusiasts

    Those who want to systematize their knowledge and reach a new level

    How you will learn
    Training is conducted in small groups: live online lessons with a teacher plus practice on simulators and real projects.
    At the end of the training, there is an employment module to help you find a job faster and start applying the skills you have acquired.
    Training program
    Block 1. Introduction to Automation. Java Language Basics
    Block 2. Unit Tests. API Testing
    Block 3. Web Application Testing. Testing Infrastructure
    Block 4. Employment Program
    Start learning and become a test automation engineer in just 4 months!
    Online Course
    Test Automation Engineer

      * - required fields
      Course Instructors
      Vladimir Ovodenko
      Valentina Smith
      What Our Students Say
      Григорий Николаев:
      Одна из лучших школ для QA Engineer, с адекватным ценником. Прошел курс, советую всем друзьям и знакомым. Группы собирают небольшие, нас было 12 человек. В рамках курса изучили материал, со значением которого уже можно идти работать на позицию Junior специалиста, очень много практики, после окончания курса была стажировка на реальном проекте Вообщем всем рекомендую!👍
      Vadim Kööp:
      В целом курс очень понравился, очень познавательный и хорошо структурированный.
      Наталья Оленюк:
      Занятия очень нравятся, полнота изложения, ответы на дополнительные вопросы, все есть и большой плюс, что сразу идут практические занятия в домашней работе.
      Darija Pauļska:
      Прошла курс как мануального, так и на тестировщика по автоматизации. Очень рекомендую. Преподаватель достаточно доступно и понятно все объясняет, а также со стороны администрации, всегда можно было получить быстрые ответы на появившиеся вопросы.
      Mark Panov:
      Добрый коллектив, хорошо и доступно объясняют. Не бросают студентов и после окончания курсов. Помогают со стажировкой и началом карьеры.
      Илья Симпсон:
      Мне очень нравится хоть не всегда понятно иногда по домашнему заданию, однако преподаватель все разъясняет. И вроде как удается и получается выполнить в срок все упражнения. И с каждым разом каждый урок получается сложнее и сложнее. Надеюсь это очень хороший «знак» 😁
      Albina Jutman:
      A great school to learn QA. Responsive team, professional teachers and chat support almost 24/7. Thank you for your knowledge, quality communication and support. This is a high level. Recommended. But please keep in mind, you will still have to learn.
      Iurii Trokhachev:
      Probably the best IT school in Estonia. It’s multilingual and easy to understand, regardless of your background and there are strong and patient teachers. Education is built simply and clearly, the schedule is convenient for combining. I recommend it for everyone who want to start their path in IT!
      Mark Kozlov:
      Отличные курсы. Все навыки, которым обучают актуальны и востребованы на рынке труда.
      Anton Finogenov:
      Здесь отличные курсы. Проходил их здесь дважды, на manual qa и qa automation. Все было хорошо и простым языком объяснено, материал дают обширный и актуальный. Мне помогло) Если будут еще программы, подходящие под мою работу – буду еще тут обучаться обязательно)
      Aleksandra Smutnaja:
      Доступная и понятная подача материала, много практики и хорошая обратная связь от преподавателей. Информации достаточно, чтобы в дальнейшем получилось устроиться на работу.
      Алина Андреева:
      На занятиях мне все очень нравится! Все доступно и понятно. Много практики. Учитель открыт в сторону обсуждений. Единственное есть небольшие задержки с проверкой домашних заданий, но я думаю это из-за объема.
      This course will help you become a more qualified tester. You will learn the necessary tools and technologies that are in demand in the market, learn to solve typical tasks, and systematize your knowledge of test automation. This will increase your value as a specialist and contribute to your career development.
      To participate in this course, you need experience in manual testing of web applications, mobile applications, or APIs. You must be able to create checklists and test cases, as well as apply test design techniques such as equivalence classes and boundary values. It is also important to have an understanding of how mobile and web applications work. One of the requirements is the ability to dedicate 10-15 hours per week to the course.
      Then you can start with our manual testing course or enroll in the QA Engineer PRO course, where we teach manual testing and automation from scratch.
      Yes, during this time you will be able to learn everything you need to automate your first tests. The course author is a practicing specialist and an experienced test automation engineer. The group size is calculated so that everyone receives enough feedback. This approach helps you learn faster.
      We cannot guarantee that you will definitely find a job, but we believe that you will be able to do it. Employers care that you can solve real tasks, not just have knowledge. We teach to apply knowledge in practice and help you complete internships on real projects. We also help you create a resume and prepare for job interviews. But you will have to actively commit to your job search: apply for vacancies, attend interviews, show your projects and complete test assignments.
      Online classes take place twice a week on weekdays in the evenings. All webinars will be available as recordings, in case you need to miss a class. To reinforce the theory, simulator work and independent practice are provided, which should take at least 10 hours per week. This is only 1.5 hours per day. You can distribute the weekly workload as convenient for you and combine platform-based learning with your work and personal life.
      If you encounter any difficulties during your studies, write to us and we will help you solve them.
      Yes, upon successful completion of the course, we issue an electronic certificate of training.
      A computer with Windows or macOS operating system and internet access. For mobile application testing, you will need phones with Android and iOS operating systems, and if you don’t have such a smartphone, you can use emulators and simulators.
      Our instructors are practicing QA specialists. They will conduct online classes and check your homework. They will provide useful advice and answer any questions during the lessons and in the course chat. You will be able to take over their experience, professional knowledge, and life hacks.
      Do you have any questions left?
      Write to us or order a consultation!
      How the consultant can help you:

        * - required fields
        The next stream of the test automation course will run from 03.02.2025 to 31.05.2025