Interview with a PSYCHOLOGIST online or in person

Emotional Imagery Therapy
I will help you gently and quickly

Establish harmonious relationships with loved ones
Coping with anxiety and feeling calm
Accept and love yourself
Stop being stuck in the past and start living
Turning a crisis into a growth spurt
Get over the loss and move on

My help will enable you to free yourself from negative emotions and thoughts related to the past

You will learn how to live effectively in the present and the future

I will help you recognise past events and use them as a valuable lesson for moving forward and achieving life goals.



we contact you; make an appointment for 15 minutes to get to know you; pay in advance and arrange a time


More often than not, just one meeting can help a person understand, change their emotional state and gain confidence to move in their chosen direction

If there are many aspects to the problem, it will take more meetings to resolve it

Each additional appointment must be paid for separately

You will save time!

Emotional imagery therapy can lead to faster therapeutic effects than other methods.
This method allows you to quickly understand the cause of difficulties and
find ways of overcoming them, often already in the course of our session with you.



Gyulnara Obolentseva


Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychotherapy. Moscow

Psychologist counsellor

School of Practical Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic counselling. Theory and practice.

Metaphor Centre for Further Professional Education in Psychology

Psychological support for grief and loss

Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychiatry

Emotional imagery psychotherapy

Nikolai Linde Institute for Emotional Imagery Therapy

Advanced Level 2 qualification “Emotional imagery therapy in working with negative emotional states”

I work in the areas of: Emotional imagery therapy, Psychoanalytic therapy

Marital status: Married. We have two grown-up daughters

Year of birth: 1967


around 100 successful counselling sessions in the last year alone

Online and face-to-face meetings in Prague (Czech Republic) and Tallinn (Estonia)


updated on the new reasearch and methods
your success is important to me

WHY I BECAME A psychologist?

“I once chose my psychologist, with whom I went through a difficult path at a difficult time. That experience taught me a lot. My life has changed and today I am already a practicing psychologist, helping others to turn difficulties into a springboard for growth. I work with people over the age of 18. I choose the methods that work best for you. I like working in EOT. This method allows you not only to quickly recognise the cause of a difficulty, but also to deal with it, often already during our meeting. Sometimes one meeting was enough for the person to understand, change their emotional state and feel confident enough to move forward in the chosen direction. The way I see our collaboration is as follows: You are the traveller and I am the guide. You have the goal of the journey – your quest, and I have the equipment and the map – my knowledge and techniques. Our responsibility in achieving the goal is 50/50. I work without criticism or judgement, with care. I believe that each person is valuable, and each of us has the right to fail when difficulties are beyond our means. We will go through a difficult part of your journey together, and I will help you!”

Diplomas and Certificates

Cost of the meeting

80 €

My Articles and Notes

Read the article in full

“Man is not governed by logic, but by his passions, but the interaction of these passions fits into a definite and simple logic. And this creates opportunities for quick and effective solutions to psychological problems”.

Read the note in full

“When one is alone, one begins to look out for and love nature.”

From time to time, there are times when we are hurt and sometimes harmed. Is it worth it to forgive?

Read the article in full

Client Testimonials

Gulnara, thank you for the session. You led me very gently to the result. Those issues and changes that I had been diligently avoiding for weeks, I resolved in half an hour after the session. This was my first time working in the EOT approach and I was impressed with how easily you identified and helped me process the emotions that I had been hiding from myself. I was also very touched that you conducted the session with great warmth and genuine acceptance. This is very valuable! Thank you!
Really liked the result of the demo consultation with the specialist, worked to the result, even though the time was up! Definitely recommend it, it was one of my best demo consultations, I have a desire to continue therapy and hope that the problem will be solved. Thank you!
I've been to consultations with Gulnara several times already and I'm very happy with the results! It was easy and comfortable to work with her. I had questions about my self-esteem and my relationship with my mother. I have become much calmer, there is harmony inside, I feel alive and want to develop and take care of myself. I don't look at my mother with the anger I used to have, and her reproaches don't affect me as much.
Worked very well with the specialist! It was interesting to see how my problem was dealt with in detail, it made it much clearer what was what! Thank you!
Soovitan Gulnarat kui tippklassi spetsialisti! Ühel üsna väikesel demokonsultatsioonil nägi ta selgelt minu probleemi ja andis töötavaid soovitusi.
I am very glad I went to Gulnara for counselling! My little story is that I didn't understand what kind of help I needed. I tried my best to make plans for the coming year, but it didn't work out. I had a big unplanned change of residence and it was like I was over a cliff. My life as usual was left behind, I had to think of things to do every day and it felt like I was wasting my life. I had no idea how much I would enjoy my work because I put the past behind me without much pain and saw a plan of action for today and big goals for tomorrow! It inspired me, gave me strength and joy, a desire to act and a good night's sleep! Instead of licking my wounds after the psychologists, I got a great plan of action. Gulnara is a very sensitive psychologist, I recommend that you try working with her without fear!