Tervisepööre – kes vastutab?

Eesti Taastusarstide Seltsi aastakonverents.

Osalemine annab 8 EKAP ja arvestatakse arsti volituste ja kvalifikatsiooni saamiseks.

Konverentsi materjalide arutelu.
Gruppi saadab meie meditsiiniline eesti keele õpetaja. Kommenteerimine / tõlkimisel abistamine.


Konverentsile on kutsutud järgmised isikud:


Korraldaja: Eesti Taastusarstide Selts, Eesti Perearstide Selts, Celsius Healthcare

Konverentsil käsitletakse elustiilihaiguste mõju inimese nii kehalisele kui vaimsele tervisele ja elukvaliteedile. Ülekaalu ja vähese kehalise aktiivuse mõju tervisele algab juba rakutasandilt ning võib päädida raskete elumuutvate haigustega. Samas on võimalik teadlikult oma valikuid juhtides hoiduda insuldist või südamelihase infarktist, vähendada diabeedi tüsistuste tekkeriski, tulla paremini toime oma igapäevaste tegevuste ja töödega. Oma ala juhtivad arstid ja teadlased tutvustavad elustiilihaiguste esmase ja teisese ennetamise võimalusi nii esmatasandil kui taastusravis. Esile tõstetakse inimese enda vastutus tervise eest ja arutatakse kuidas võimestada patsienti elustiili muutuste juhtimisel.

Konverentsil on lektoritena esindatud muu hulgas ka välisesinejad, kes on tunnustatud oma ala eksperdid.

Paolo Capodaglio received M.D. degree from the University of Pavia, Italy, and his specialty in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine from the same University. At present, he is a Professor in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine  at the University of Torino and Director of the Rehabilitation Department (80 inpatients) and the Laboratory for Research in Biomechanics and Rehabilitation at the Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS in Piancavallo, Italy. He devoted most of his research to the functional evaluation in ageing and pathological conditions (spinal cord injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, obesity and metabolic conditions), published more than 270 papers on peer-reviewed journals and 10 monographic books and serves as reviewer for several indexed papers. 
Mai-Lis Hellénius, MD, PhD, professor in cardiovascular prevention focusing physical activity and nutrition at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Mai-Lis Hellénius has for more than 40 years been working as a clinician and a researcher in the area of lifestyle medicine and cardiovascular prevention. She was among the first physicians in the world initiating physical activity on prescription in 1987. Mai-Lis Hellénius has 268 publications; 169 in peer review journals and 125 of them are original publications. She has been the tutor of 16 Ph.D. students. Mai-Lis Hellénius has been engaged in writing of national and Nordic guidelines for physical activity and nutrition as well as prevention of cardiovascular disease. She is a member of many expert committees both nationally and internationally. Mai-Lis Hellenius has served as a faculty opponent on 36 occasions of both Swedish and international universities. She has been awarded in Sweden and from international universities. Mai-Lis Hellénius has written several textbooks in lifestyle medicine and cardiovascular prevention for the professional audience. She has also developed a web-based educational program for health care professionals as well as the public (www.sundkurs.se). Mai-Lis Hellénius has also written several popular science books on physical activity, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Several of them have been awarded in Sweden and internationally. 
Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Professor em., Uppsala University, Sweden. Senior consultant in Geriatrics, Theme Inflammation & Ageing, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. Board certified in Geriatric medicine and Internal medicine. Research focus is on nutrition and catabolism; i.e. malnutrition and sarcopenia, in old and chronically ill subjects. Principal investigator of many nutrition intervention studies. Co-author of >340 peer-reviewed articles. H-index >80, ~50.000 citations (Scopus). During 2012 to 2016 served as Executive Committee member of ESPEN. Has served as expert consultant for Swedish Food Agency. Core Committee member of the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM). Member of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP), and the Global Leadership Initiative on Sarcopenia (GLIS). 

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